December 28, 2004 Happy Birthday/Week! I hope you're having a fabulous day and that you're totally indulging yourself in your own thing even if you have things you are supposed to do. It's your birthday. It's your day to think of you. Sorry to report that no package made it to my house today. Who knows. Maybe it will come on January 3rd or something. That would suck. I had yours sent to my house in Provo. You can't get it until I see it first. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That is all. I'm going to call you in a bit. I am thinking of you quite a bit today for some reason. Be good. Derrick lee Grayson
To Derrick Lee on his Birthweek:
Derrick was the first person to introduce me to a celebratory birthweek. He called me every day of the last week in December just to drag out my birthday and make me feel special. Ironically enough, 6 years ago on October 9th 2004 I was climbing, eating a “scrumptulescent” dinner, and watching a movie with Derrick Lee Grayson. I also had absolutely no clue that it was his birthday. He told me the next day. I was so mad at him for spending money on me on his special day. Especially when we were both starving students and totally broke. He just looked at me and said “What? It was a good day. I did everything I wanted to.” That was his style. And it was a fun day.
Several weeks later the movie “The Grudge” came out. We went to see it and rather than getting all scared Derrick would laugh at all the scary parts which made me laugh too. I'm sure that everyone around us thought we were totally annoying. I told my little brother he and his girlfriend should see it cause it wasn't that scary. Afterwards he came back and said “That movie scared the crap outta me!” I thought about it a minute and said “Oh, sorry. I guess I did watch it with Derrick.” Everything was a different experience with him.
November 23, 2004 What up kid? I didn't really get up until like 11:30 today. I'm very well rested and ready to go. That is all. I hope you're having a fab day! I'm on the way to get my hair did. I'm kind of excited about that one. I'll talk to you later. Derrick Lee Grayson
Because of Derrick I was able to experience new things, things that I'm pretty sure I never would have chosen if he hadn't come into my life. He helped me to overcome some of my biggest fears. I can even thank him for the ability to have embarrassing conversations without turning red (or as red) in the face.
Recently I started thinking about all of the good people I have in my life because of him and people I am continuing to meet as a byproduct of our friendship and time spent together. There are at least 45 people spanning the globe that I now treasure and love. People that I have laughed and cried with, shared utility bills and cupboard space with. People I have bonded with as we traveled long hours together and talked deeply about life. People that have supported me and recognized the good in me when I haven't been able to see it in myself. Many of the good things in my life today are a direct result of my friendship with Derrick. I have an abundant life because someone was willing to see the good in me and be my friend. In many ways he changed my life and I will never be the same again. I am so very grateful for that.
November 29, 2004 What's up girl, I hope you're having a scrumptulescent day today. I haven't been on a computer in like a week, so I had tons of stuff to go through on my email. I have to do some serious catching up on school work. I hate school. So last night was fun. I just emailed my sister telling her about all of the jokes we made concerning "Fannie Packs" and "Wainkers". I hope she likes it. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have to do some tutoring tonight until like 8 or so. I totally want to come to Thanksgiving dinner though. If I can come late I will, but if that's unacceptable, I would understand. I'm sure I'll talk to you about it soon. Be good kid. Try not to sell any garments. Derrick Lee Grayson
Derrick looked up to many of you. Once he taught Sunday school and I remember how touching it was when he got a little choked up talking about his mom and how she was his hero.
He loved people and people loved him right back. I think he would be so happy to see all of you
Gathered together
Enjoying each other's company
Basking in the gift of life
Enjoying simple things and good wholesome fun
Just the way it should be
If he could be here to celebrate with all of us for just one day perhaps he would leave the party saying something like this:
December 25, 2004
...I guess I'll go now. I hope you continue to have a great day and a great holiday. I look forward to seeing you again and being with you. Be good. Don't eat any laxatives.
Derrick Lee Grayson
Happy 30th Birthday Derrick
We miss you!
Sorry about the formatting. I was having a struggle trying to get it right since I originally typed this in another document that apparently doesn't interface well with blogger...
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love it.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this. I love a good cry before I go to bed. Helps me to sleep ;)
I so wish you could come this weekend, but we'll see each other again soon.
Love ya!
thanks janae
ReplyDeleteoh Janae, that was super. Love you
ReplyDeleteThank you. I wish I had known him better.
ReplyDeleteJanae, what a beautiful memoir! It seems like yesterday...