I have been a bit of a slacker with posting my "September Favorites." Part of the problem was that my computer crashed and oddly enough it may take 30 days to create a habit but it certainly only takes one or two to destroy it. So here I am trying to catch up. I think some of these shots are worth the wait though...
The weather is perfect for biking in the mountains. That would be a picture of us driving down the mountain with our lovely two wheeled companions hitching a ride on the back.

Why I love September Reason#6:
Things that look drab from a distance are actually quite interesting and beautiful up close. I found these lovely "weeds" on the side of the road and I couldn't get enough of their shape and color.

My roommate and I were talking about how sometimes the weeds in Utah are kind of like people. We think we know someone, perhaps we even pass judgement on them as someone who will never amount to much or whatever. Then you get to know them and realize just how extraordinary they are, how brilliant their spirit shines when someone believes in them and loves them for who they are. I love things like that because I have a lot of "drab from a distance" qualities. I always enjoy the moment when that surprising discovery presents itself whether it's someone I come to know better or someone that discovers something likeable about me.
Fall Leaves. As I mentioned in a previous post. I am a fanatic about the fall leaves. I can't get enough of them! Look at that blazing color!

Why I love September Reason #8:
Dahlias. I see this marvelous sight every morning on my jogging route. I never get tired of rounding the corner and coming upon these cheerful, bright, packed in color flowers.

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