That is when I got sick. Like the black-lung-wheezing-so-loud-you-can't-sleep-sick. It was terrible. I tried sleeping sitting up--too uncomfortable. I tried ear plugs--turns out they act as an amplifier to your own set of pipes. I tried taking the knock-you-out-cold cough medicines--they helped for an hour or two. I went to the InstaCare where a very nice doctor listened worriedly to my lungs and prescribed a bunch of steroids. They didn't seem to be working.
I was starting to freak out a little bit when I did a google search and discovered the awesome properties of this amazing little plant. It helps to relax the lungs when they get "tight" and also works as an expectorant to make coughing more productive. I was desperate so I drove down to my local health food shop in my sweats, my t-shirt, and raggedy hair to see if they carried it on their shelves. I was in luck! Within a few hours I noticed I wasn't concentrating on breathing anymore. The tightness in my chest seemed to float away on a cloud. I have been sleeping like a dream ever since. This is definitely an herb I'm going to keep on hand as my "go to" medicine for when I get sick.
Ha Janae I am going to be your new blog-stalker friend! You are awesome! I clicked through to your post about Cottonwood trees... you are a a genius. I am glad you are here in Spanish Fork!
Thanks, Heidi! Glad to have you as a new friend :)