Last week I spent all day walking around in my too tight, pinch my toes, but--very cute--match-everything-black shoes. Complete with a bow on top. I padded around the workplace. Pinch, pinch, pinch, pinch. I went out to dinner with friends. Pinch, pinch, pinch pinch. I ran to ShopKo to do a little shopping. Pinch, PinCH, piNCh, PINCH. At which point it came to my attention that it was becoming nearly unbearable to walk. It was starting to feel like I had been walking around in climbing shoes all day. So I decided to buy a cheap pair of shoes that I could wear around on the rest of my errands for the night. I was thinking something like flip flops, when a heavy dash of color screamed "LOOK AT ME!" I almost threw those gems on my feet and walked them to the cash register right then and there. I looked at the price tag, and nearly squealed--$5. I was sold. And look at that contrast with my turquoise skirt. I am nasiegirl and I love red shoes, fluffy skirts, and walking around like a lady on a summer afternoon.
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