Last weekend my roommate and I rode our bikes down to the local greenhouse so we could dream about our yard in the upcoming summer months. On the way home we started talking about the lovely spring green that was abundantly sprouting up along the side of the road. That vibrant green color which is so fleeting in Utah. I appreciate it more after a long, cold winter.
I noted the traces of winter still mixed in with the new growing things. Old dry leaves, some of them turned to lace; brown bushes and such. And it made me think about re-growth in my own life. I've been through a few rough patches, just like anybody else. Moments when hope and growth and new things seemed but a luxury I could no longer afford. But thankfully, always, new things appear in sometimes unexpected places. New people to meet, new laughter to create, new places to see and smell and enjoy. Those things that feel like splashes of fresh spring green after a long winter of absence. It takes time to allow things to re-grow and blossom and fill in the winter gaps but life can still be beautiful in the meantime. That realization, though simple, makes me feel like I can be more patient with myself and more patient with life in general.
Anyone that has spent some time in Utah knows that springtime is a bit of a tease. One day you feel like you're well on your way to summer and the next you're throwing on a coat and drinking hot chocolate again. So I can be a little more patient with the traces of "winter" that surface in my own life from time to time. It reminded me of an article written by Jerry Johnston that so adequately captured those feelings of desolation we all face at one time or another and why we can always look forward with hope. You can read his article here
In the meantime I'm going to hop on my bike and fill my soul with another deep draught of fresh spring green.

Hutch...I TOTALLY am thankful for this post! Not only your writing but also the photos. I miss home already! I love those pictures. Thank you. :)